Tag Archives: adulthood

Fix it: quick and dirty shoe-in

That was a bad pun ya’ll. I fixed my house slippers. Have you ever noticed the way slippers are sold in whole sizes, or as a small/medium/large? Why is that? My feet are ‘Large’ but my large is a US 10.5, and in the slipper world Large equals a size 10. Cue sad face.

That’s all to say that I have one magical pair of slippers that fit and are comfy, and I refuse to let them go anytime soon. The rubber soles have been cracking and shedding all over the house, so I ripped those suckers off.


When I went to trace the outline of shoe onto the new sole, I realized I don’t actually have tailor’s chalk, which would be a crying shame except..


I found a way to make do.


Next go round I’ll try a sturdier material, but sewing two layers of felt together did the trick for now. I doodled around on the sewing machine to create traction on the soles, and then super glued it all together. Pro-tip: keep an eye on the proximity between glue and the carpet. Nothing happened! Don’t panic! Just an FYI. Ahem.


The Laziest Quiche Ever

Some weeks I just can’t adult.

This became very clear yesterday when I realized it was only halfway through the week and I’d already made burritos in excess of four times. I love good food—I just don’t care for making it, or cleaning up after cooking! I don’t see that changing anytime soon, but I do recognize the need to eat something other than beans and cheese occasionally.

Quiche seemed like a good choice. It’s got the benefit of including vegetables, the comfort of pastry and cheese, and the protein of eggs. Apparently some people follow recipes for this kind of thing, but that seemed like too much effort. So did actually chopping things up.


I literally pulled out a frozen pie shell and a pair of clean scissors and cut things directly into the shell. First some mini peppers, then a layer of spinach. Then I tossed in some frozen corn that I had laying around, piled on the cheese, and salted everything down. Then all I had to do was crack a few eggs in, smoosh it all around and hey presto!  Once it was cooked it looked (and tasted surprisingly) like something out of a Martha Stewart magazine.

I need to find ways to maximize effort saving tactics while cooking regular food. One cannot live on burritos and pancakes alone, much as I try.